How to Volunteer for Kevin Rudd
Dates in Context
Day by Day June - July 2013
All Comments by Ture Sjolander

from total 69 comments:

  1. Ture Sjolander9 June 2013 13:03

    Get back in your harness Mr Russian Caviar!

    Just get on to it!

    1. TURE SJOLANDER26 June 2013 19:37

      Kevin, now you are talking!!!
      Good on you mate! You took all my advise from 2007, 2010, and now 9 June 2013 and so forth. I thought so!
      Thank you for holding this your backdoor open.
      Let's cancel "our" China trip for now.
      This "internal" election tomorrow shall be confirmed massively on the Federal Election Day 14 September 2013.

      Tuesday 25 June, 2013. 7:33 PM

    2. Ture Sjolander26 June 2013 19:52

      Correction: 26 June 2013. 7:49 PM

      My computer was behind date. Funny things!
      It must be Prism?

    3. Reply
  2. Ture Sjolander 20139 June 2013 13:39

    You should know....Australia have never been so close to be a Republic as Right Now:
    Take the big step NOW for the mankind!

    A 'lands slide' victory can be won only through a reset of rules. Here is the trick: Australian First Non Political Party.
    To be established after winning 14 September, traditionally and obsolete, election.
    The Peoples choice was You. They are all still around, and they shall still give you the clear support 2013.
    There is nothing wrong to be a egomaniac, just look at Abbott and his henchmen!!!
    Just coordinate your brilliant thoughts and speech again and Abbott will fall as easy as his 'Master' did, last time.
    It is not more difficult than that!
    Just relax, it will work, I can say, after after one gallbladder and two stents. No worries!
    All this current malicious party political mannerism is so simple to break through...use Pavlov's Bell and they will go away!

  3. Ture Sjolander I'm Australia9 June 2013 13:53

    The current Federal Election 14 September 2013 is very much like parents who are trying to save One of their Two children, and they don't love any of one them, anyhow.

  4. Ture Sjolander9 June 2013 14:15

    Finally a Reminder from 2007:

    Merci Beaucoup
    Ture Sjolander

  5. Ture Sjolander 201310 June 2013 09:10

    Abbott vs Palmer watching the circus from a nano drone in the Cyber Space.

    All the best!

    Ture Sjolander
    Recreational Republic President
    Fourth Estate

  6. Anonymous10 June 2013 11:34

    The top job beckons, we want you as our leader, go for it! Start your own Party if all else fails.......

    1. Ture Sjolander23 June 2013 19:00

      It will not fail!
      There is always a third option...
      Your "own" party, sounds funny!
      One shall re set the party as resetting a computer or anything else. This guys don't practice that they just want the gigs. They can't even unite within them self so how could they unite Australia.
      Change the name of Labor Party to "Block2Party".
      Meaning, block out the Two Party System!
      How? Get out of this Westminster for one term and reorganize and go head on to a Republic 2016.

    2. Reply
  7. Ture Sjolander10 June 2013 13:45

    Twitter, No way! Facebook, Never ever!

    This comment space is for the Elite only, and here I'm.

    Look at the drum ABC right now, how constipated they are. From Top to the bottom.
    Barrie Cassidy herding cats.
    In the mean time the troops in the Liberals and the Labors behave like addicted gamblers and resetting their strategy.
    Happy Birth Day ...It is hard to be Second in Charge.
    Viva Republic!

    1. Ture Sjolander15 June 2013 12:44


    2. Reply
  8. TURE SJOLANDER22 June 2013 23:42

    Two heads are better than one.
    You and Julia has to appear together on public LIVE television within one weeks time to show people where you both are heading.
    So simple is that!
    If that do not happen there will be two losers.

    People are sick and tired of this hide and seek, and Peekaboo Game.
    There is no other way out!

    Opposition already have two strategies for the election.
    Both of you got to understand that.
    Try a dice!!! If you two can't talk to each other.
    It is a very natural and modest request having you two in the very same studio at the very same time.
    Your facial and body language shall reveal what relations you have to each other.
    It is an emergency!

    Hurry uP, boys and girls.

  9. TURE SJOLANDER23 June 2013 00:18

    I'm here to give you both a hand, as a volunteer and presenter in the studio, being a A-political and neutral older citizen of Australia. I think I have all the credentials to interview both of you, and be the moderator for an approx. 20 minutes session in ABC's 24/7.
    Television, Radio and the Internet was not invented by journalist, nor was it invented for journalists.

    All the best!

  10. NEWSTIME2010 COM23 June 2013 12:04

    "The Age", "the editorial" saying that Gillard should step down instead of saying that Rudd should step up.
    Who are this guys using a nick name like The Age!
    Childish journalistic crap!
    Even more childish when Conroy and Garret make comments to this crap.
    May I say: NewsTime2010 is saying to Julia and Kevin to get in to a TV studio and have a conversation ASAP, and sort out this journalistic rubbish.
    If neither of you can't do that, talk to each other in the same physical room, now and later, I suggest you both to step down faster than light.
    All of your "supporters" would love to replace both of you as anyone know that anyone can be replaced in you business of politics. Your whole cabinet are all a bunch of single wolfs and "wanna be PM's" waiting for their turn.

    Are you both waiting for Godot? (and who is him/her/them)

    Ture Sjolander

    Ps/ Just don't simply expect Mr and Ms Nick Name in some stupid news media deciding our and yours political future.

  11. ReplyDelete
  12. TURE SJOLANDER25 June 2013 10:03

    Not even Communism is a matter of numbers!

    Corruption will always win!

    The land of drought, flood and inbred.

  13. Ture Sjolander25 June 2013 13:09

    China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant!
    Can I come with you, I need a good new used heart, and take some new pictures of my art works, monumental sculptures I did in China with the titles "Knots" in Chinese but with the title "Memorial to my kidnapped son Matu", in English language.

    I can always carry your baggage on the trip.


    Ps I'm happy to stay in China to the 25 of September 2013.

  14. Ture Sjolander25 June 2013 13:24


    I'll endorse you to be appointed the Australian Ambassador to China 2014!
    Right Man in the "Right" Place.

  15. Ture Sjolander26 June 2013 20:00

    The gig in China is now vacant. hee heeh
    Could that be a job for the "deputy" or the Sabott?

  16. Ture Sjolander27 June 2013 13:10

    Day One:
    "Dragged down". Abbott have a bad conscious as he know very well that he him self, and his henchmen was the mob who drag down Julia Gillard, and now he want the credit for it.
    If I was in Kevin's shoes I would kindly give that mob that "credit".
    That shall be the first 10 points for Albanese and Rudd and all of us.
    I guess that straight response will result that Abbott will be dragged down by his own wider circle within the Opposition, if not selecting a new dog for them.
    The facial and the body language, and the color and volume of the voices combined with a kind intellect will take the center stage from today.
    People are sick and tired of the rugby mentality in the Parliament and all this gender war and insular mentality.

    The chainsaw politics has to go, and it will disappear under Rudd's leadership.

  17. Ture Sjolander27 June 2013 14:23

    I dearly hope that Kevin Rudd have not changed a bit since the Australian people appointed him as the leader of Australian Government. That would be a real disaster.
    I also really hope that he can continue unleashed as before.
    My greatest worries are that Kevin Rudd do not put his full eagle attention on the main news medias games, from now on and until the end of the school holidays.
    The news media in Australia have other interest than politics, not to forget!

    I'll be eyes and ears are totally focused right now on Abbott's behavior, while he is not talking. That is a priceless and revealing info, and entertainment. 2:24 PM...

  18. NEWSTIME2010 net27 June 2013 15:41

    So far so good!
    It is running well and fresh.
    A little bit of Culture added would not hurt, at this moment.

    Sense moral:
    What we still are learning though is that evil faces is not better than faceless men.

  19. TURE SJOLANDER28 June 2013 17:32

    Dear Kevin,
    Be prepared, the Opposition may demand to get a health report on you after this long-overdue vindication and return to High Office.
    It would not surprise me, at all.
    After all, nothing surprise me anymore.
    Just before Julia Gillard replaced you to be a caretaker you suffered from your gallbladder pain and that condition cause you to go through a serious surgery. On top of that your heart conditions, even more serious, lead to another operation.
    I can see how the new laws have been tightened even for people who wanna renew their driving license.
    Can you drive a nation and run a car, I'm sure Abbott and others will ask.
    Politics is a hard life, you said, and Abbott did agree to that, said yesterday. What he meant, I can only guess.

    They may not ask for your medical report presented in the Parliament as they rather would like to see you dramatically falling on your sword, in the very same house.
    Life is absurd!
    However, be prepared.

    All the best
    Your friend

    PS/ Wrote this very same comment at ABC the drum, twice.
    Not published yet!

  20. NEWSTIME2010.net29 June 2013 13:11

    Barry Cassidy ABC the drum: "Julia Gillard will not lead the Labor Party before the election"

    I said that already 2010 and again repeatedly 2011, 2012 and ABC never listen in a comment space at the drum.
    If you say something clever there they either not publish it or they steal it and make news of it in their own way.
    Their articles are like particles and all the comments are seen like dirt and dust...

    We all know that justice do not exist but injustice can still be reduced.
    To reduce the spread of nuclear weapons in the world seems to be as impossible as to spread money or power to the people.

  21. TURE SJOLANDER29 June 2013 17:07

    Being a very high-profile Australian I'm now interested to be a very low-profile Australian.
    Do you know any one who wanna swap with me?
    Combet is leaving, and soon another 40 caucus members.
    I could consider to replace a small number of them for the sake of the party.
    Anyone can be replaced and what happen now is a good sign for renewal of energy.

    Political mannerism has to go. That's life!

    There is hips of good Australians out there who know that you are the easy going pioneer in this country's political future.

    Compose your new crew, faster than light!!!
    But just don't look for politicians who are stuck in old patterns. My best advise!

  22. Ture Sjolander30 June 2013 20:24

    Give us something important in return now, for the first time:
    One Minister for Art, Communication and Science.

    Thank you and goodbye!
    Good Luck.

    Ture Sjolander

  23. First President of Australia2 July 2013 12:05

    The First President of Australia will be the First President of Australia!

    1. TURE SJOLANDER2 July 2013 12:07

    2. Reply
  24. Ture Sjolander4 July 2013 00:10

    Leigh Sales question Rudd and Abbott about their immigration policy. What is her own policy? She sound like she have one...
    There is no citizens who have a policy, at all.
    Now she think she has been smart to give studio time every second day for Kevin and Tony instead of having both of them LIVE in the very same studio space.
    Tony can not talk to Kevin in same room, he need the sound from his boxer gang behind him when he talk.
    Kevin don't need that "support".
    That is the only valid point.

    sense moral:
    Remember my earlier comment when I said: You and Julia should be in the same studio LIVE, before the caucus meeting.
    It did not work either. You two, could not be seen together.

  25. Sulphur Nation4 July 2013 20:05

    It is extraordinary unfortunate the whole situation.
    50% of the Australians (obviously including the Australian journalists)like to see Abbott disappear from the stage, and the other half of the Australian citizens want Rudd to disappear from the leadership of the country.
    Another hung parliament in sight, and another 3 year of hate, or can they be forced to join each other in Coalition Government, equal to a hung parliament. Catch22.
    It has to be something wrong with the People!
    Right place, wrong people?

  26. TURE SJOLANDER5 July 2013 16:30

    A Federal Election will not erase this current ongoing malicious political culture!
    It shall simply get worst.
    Australian insane journalism are entirely responsible for the chaos.

  27. Ture Sjolander6 July 2013 11:40

    I'm going to follow you until I have swallow you, all!
    I'm going to study you all, politicians and journalists 24/7 on news media until I get the job as President for this Nation.
    I don't wanna be a Second In Charge Leader like you, boys and girls.
    My aspirations and ambition is higher than yours, to be a Royal serf.
    What ever you say I'm rejecting your current politics.
    You are all completely useless leaders.

  28. Ture Sjolander9 July 2013 19:06

    Actually it is not the journalists per se...
    it is the television programmers, the guys who compose the content on the ABC you should study.
    They are the most face less men and woman in the whole nation.
    They know how to manipulate the people 24/7 every minute, and the politicians and the voters !
    Journalism is only a irrelevant "filla".

    The Medium is the Message is partly so right unless it is left.
    Their biggest dream now is to watch Kevin and Tony boxing.
    Talking Heads are the fav cake for them.
    They invaded the teleVISION from radio ones upon a time.

  29. Face less Men and Woman10 July 2013 18:00

    From Now on one can predict all response and reactions from Tony Abbott.
    That will be easy for Kevin Rudd!
    (Unless Abbott and his henchmen place some malicious legal traps of some kind, as usual)
    So watch out where you go!

  30. Ture Sjolander11 July 2013 11:14

    ABC 24/7 secrets during the night time. Breeding programs for younger less talented cadets for the future recruitment within the journalistic sector, and Foreign department through up letting air time to them to refer to and use in their CV,s.
    Older journalistic talking heads interviews them and train them how to behave visually in the reporting aspect of the medium tele-(VISION).
    Word diarrhea are rewarded if they use a blue tie.

  31. NEWSTIME2010 net11 July 2013 12:57

    I am completely flabbergasted when I look at all the stone faces in the audience in the National Press Club.
    Why not make a separate TV Live program about this stone faces.
    Study them while they listen.
    Fantastic interesting entertainment!
    It could be static photography of the speaker up in the right corner of the screen only during the speech.
    I'm not joking, because it is really a radio program running on teleVISION.
    The receivers of the senders speech have much more info than the speech it self, at that point in time.
    You can get the speech printed later or listen to it.
    I wanna see each person in the audience, even if it may be boring. I would guess there is a huge number of pretenders sitting there making notes. Even a stone face can reveal a huge info...
    When it is the question time after one should rather look at that person asking things, than looking at the subject.

  32. Ture Sjolander16 July 2013 00:04

    Last Comment:
    Day out and day in. People are standing there in the front of the TV cameras like ghosts, often with another zombie person just behind, talking about "Boats" and "People smugglers" etc etc...for NOW approx. 15 year, with thousands of "clever" Australian politicians and dumb head journalist.
    It has nothing to do with "Boats" or "smugglers".
    Remove all this faked nonsense, and extremely false untalented discussion, and wake up to the reality.
    This whole matter is far beyond politics, and light years from party politics.
    Never ever let this matter be a Federal Election Issue!!!!
    Go and shame all of you!
    It is a much bigger "issue" than no one of you have capability to handle.

    50.000 year ago people arrived by canoes, kayaks or any object they could cross the sea with, and from now they shall do the very same for another 1.000 years.
    It is a global matter. So let us start there from square One again.
    So stop this endlessly Talking Heads in the media before we all get a civil war.

  33. Ture Sjolander17 July 2013 12:52

    Forgot one important thing:
    Return this small old lime rock Christmas Island to Singapore or give it away to Indonesia, if they really wanna get it it. Trade it with something else.
    Then it is not an Australian Territory any longer.
    The Australian citizens on the Island do not have the life style they had before, and 2.000 of them, not many,
    can either stay as permanent residents or move to the mainland of Australia.
    Thereafter the Refugee Center, I proposed 2001, can be used for the Indonesians, and the center closed for good as it do not serve the purpose more for asylum seekers.

    It is not a bad idea after all!
    Think twice about it!

    It will only take a signature on a paper to make such a deal.
    America may be interested to purchase the rock for their drone experiments. If so the refugee seekers have to apply for residency in United States.
    The current 15 year old problems need a completely new take.
    This is it, and stop feeding your Pavlov dogs. It is enough.

  34. Anonymous17 July 2013 19:27

    Ask if Abbott can "Stop the killing" of 5.000 people in Syria, per Month.
    ...and millions fleeing the region.
    John Howard's old recipe may "work now as it did before".

    Stop all old politics, NOW!!!!

  35. Ture Sjolander18 July 2013 16:16

    Before any other "referendum" ideas prior to a federal election The current Government should terminate Australian Territorial rights to Christmas Island, and hand over, sale or trade the Island to either Indonesia, Singapore or United States, faster than light!
    Christmas Island is an half hour flight to Indonesia and more than 3 hour to Perth or Darwin. It is an absurd Colonial idea to continue.
    There is other alternative nations who could run Christmas Island if not U.N. would take over the administration on the Island.

  36. Christmas Island Bus Stop19 July 2013 18:11

    Kevin Rudd,
    Your speech from Papua News Guinea was crystal clear, yes brilliant, but the Australian "Gestapo" Party lacking the intelligence to take it in.
    They are completely obsessed with ONE thing only, to get your job as PM, and that is all they are looking for.
    When will the people of Australia be ready to "take it in"?
    I'll guess, not until the news media mollusk species habitat are waking up!

  37. Ture Sjolander21 July 2013 09:35

    DON'T PLAY POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS LIKE SPORT EVENTS, IT IS NOT FOOTY! Liberals playing some kind obsolete Hollywood games, it is madness. I am getting sick to watch the very ugly moves they are doing. Just a small bunch of robot politicians.
    The people of Australia do not participate they only put a piece of paper in a box and vote in frustration later.
    It is really scary!! They don't know if the will get a Nazi government next.
    People do not really understand how they are manipulated by the media. Nor even the politicians can see the role media plays and how it works.
    The whole scenario start to smell German 1930's.

  38. Ture Sjolander21 July 2013 17:53

    The 500 on NAURU, actually did our job. The effect via world media, simply show any "people smugglers" and new refugees to not go to Australia as this is the conditions.
    So Abbott and & can say Thank You to them instead of pointing at the as they where criminals.
    Seems to be very few "high profile" Australians who understand how news media really works.
    No pictures from Nauru was released the first 48 hours from the fires and destruction... a bit odd as it was a professional photographer on the Nauru Island with a good website.
    Now everybody in the world know that this place is not a replacement from the horrible places they leave overseas.

    Now one ask if the poor people who are placed in PNG will be part of the food chain.
    What next? Stop The Earth spinning?
    Or even worse come to worst, continue to Playing The Federal Election Political News Game, or Russian Roulette?

Ture Sjolander Hopefully
Try Google Image Search