Quality journalism and a 21st century ABC

By Mark Scott

Posted September 3, 2010 07:17:00

And now, a result would be nice.

Mark Scott is the Managing Director of the ABC. He delivered this speech at this year's Melbourne Writer's Festival

Tags: government-and-politics, elections, information-and-communication, broadcasting, abc, federal-elections, australia

Comments (98)

  • Ture Sjolander:

    03 Sep 2010 12:59:51pm

    I rather listen to George Formby than making a comment about your particle.
    As soon you have scrapped the obsolete Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act from the stone age of 1983 we can talk for a minute.
    After you have fired all this mavericks; Kerry O'Brien, Tony Jones and promised to sink the Flagship we can have a longer convo.
    ABC television is too British and it is certainly not reflecting the current population composition.
    ABC oppress the majority of Australians and force the multicultural population to assimilate a minority culture.
    It is ugly and scary tactics!

    Reply Agree

       ELECTIONS 2010