25 Nov 2011 10:32:40am
Where you are heading is often more important than where you came from. A $5 haircut is less interesting than the way you are walking. What a relaxed walking style Obama have chosen when he walks down the ladder from Air Force One or up the steps for a speech. It is a choice of body language as well as the facial language. Just compare Abbott's ''here I come'' a Chaplin-like cowboy style, certainly a chosen walking style not an impairment. What is he trying to tell people, walking like this. Is it a kinda macho expression.
We should all not ignore all the horrifying facial and body expression our parliamentarians are using.
Simply look at the history of leaders. It was early warnings very visible and not to underestimate. The ear bashing mentality goes hand in hand with all the hate produced in our government and it may also reflect who the majority of Australians really are. We maybe get the politicians we deserve?
The whole population seems to be ''hunged''.Alert moderator
- Mr Accent Slanglish:alias Ture Sjolander
25 Nov 2011 2:24:26pm
''The Secretary of State, Colin Powell, said precisely that to former president George W Bush in 2002...''
What did the dad George W Bush said to his son George Bush?
It would be obvious what he said:
Son pick anything fast and hard to hit. Anything will do!
If you don't do it now you will not get a second term as a President.
Try Iraq!
Politics and Wars are much more simple to understand than we like to believe.Alert moderator
''If you are not a Swede in Australia you are only a fucking foreigner to me" -TURE SJOLANDER
Me - My own Network -
My Heart is Swedish but my Arse is International.