Leaders go head-to-head in televised debate

Updated July 25, 2010 18:50:00

Comments (19)

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  • Ture Sjolander:
  • 25 Jul 2010 7:13:19pm

    Deport them both back to England in a leaking fishing bout or to Nauru.
    What a terrible debate!!!!
    Vote for anything else you can find on the election menu and forget Two-Part-System forever.
    Parliament of Australia is obsolete like the Westminster system.

    Agree (0) Alert moderator

           ELECTIONS 2010     www.newstime2010.net/          www.newstime2010.com/
           TURE  SJOLANDER          www.newstime2007.net/      www.newstime2007.com/

    Ellen Sandell is General Manager of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) and Joint 2009 Young Environmentalist of the Year.


      Comments (174)

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      • Ture Sjolander :

        24 Jul 2010 10:08:30am

        I don't like to watch cricket, I don't like to watch "Footy", I don't like to drink beer, I don't like LATELINE, I don't like vote for TWO unqualified politician's, I don't like to read, listen and watch the Australian stupid News Media, I don't like to be an Australian citizen anymore, I don't like barbeque, I don't like the Australian Parliament full of Anglo-Saxon-Celtics,
        I want my Permanent Residence status back again.
        I don't like to vote in a Two-Party-System nation, I don't like Fascistic Democratic Monarchy, I don't like Australian journalist to stay in ABC corporation for a life time,
        I don't like the term "aussie", I don't like saying "we" and "them","born" and "bred",
        I don't like being submissive to collective insanity.
        I don't like you if you don't publish this or edit my text.
        I don't like to write "comments", I actually don't like to write at all.
        Give me the big microphone for 24 hours and I gonna tell you all what Australia right now is heading into: A Huge Chaos !
        Don't vote for the Two Bloc Monster's !!!! Pay a fine of $ 100.00 instead or vote for anything else you can find on the listings.
        Any Australian citizen who is reading, listen or watching, and getting influenced by any Australian News Media should not be eligible to cast a vote in this Federal Election.
        A Super Tax on Australian News Media should be imposed ASAP.

      • Did I forget some other Australian Pig Culture? RSL Clubs, Lawnball, Taatoo, OBE, WarHeroes and firearms, Anglers, Pub's and Six-Packs, Darts, Boots and Utes, Surfing and Surfboards, Archibald Prize, Melbourne Cup, Car-Racing, First Tuesday Book Club, The Australian Story, Dateline, Mateline, Lateline, Captain Cook, Lady Juliana  -  It stinks all it, Yak!

      • Dr Norman Abjorensen is a lecturer in political science at the Australian National University.

          House Rules

          Comments (80)


            • Ture Sjolander :

              24 Jul 2010 9:14:15am

              EXTRA EXTRA read all about it:
              I'm going to renounce my Australian citizenship and take back my Permanent Residential status and join that large group of a million Australians. To apply again for Permanent Residence only cost $ 280.00.
              Than you are not eligible to vote and in that way you don't get a fine of $ 110.00 for not voting. Lucky me!
              After you can completely skip reading, listen and watching all the Australian News Media, too.
              Give me the "microphone" and I'll tell you all about this nation.

              • Ture Sjolander :

                24 Jul 2010 8:48:42am

                There is "We" and "We other" in this hopeless nation.
                We other are the right people.
                Moral sense: Right place, wrong people. I am Australia, Not you. Only me constitute "The Australian Lifestyle, not you".

                • Ture Sjolander :

                  24 Jul 2010 8:39:35am

                  Wherever you go there you are.

                • Every Australian media space is totally dominated of the very same names.
                  Australia's media culture is ugly.
                  People are ugly. The Australian's - the ones who call them self aussie's, are the most ugly ones.
                  They are nagging and nagging about all the British stuff.People are not migrating to Australia for the reason of that ugly click of Aussie's. Migrants got here for the climate and the rest they close their eyes for.
                  When they close their eyes they don't get the microphone either. It is given to the inbred only by father Christmas Mr Murdoch&Co.
                  The whole nation is right now like a Fascistic Democratic Monarchy.
                  I am lucky to be A-political however!