What should Rudd do in his first 100 days?
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has previously made it clear that he - unlike his Labor predecessors - will choose his own Cabinet team.
Who should get what portfolio?
And what policies should be implemented as soon as possible?
Stop being an age
fascist from day one and in the future of your period.
Do what you once
learned in Sweden; Make as law the new parliament - and your Cabinet - entirely
democratic with 50/50 % men and woman, on merits of course.
Respect the majority
of the 22 million australian citzens who are from non-english speaking
background and let people with different accents enter your cabinet and the most
important chairs in the federal administration around the entire nation, for the
very first time.
After that, it is
time for you to elect and appoint the First President of The Australian United
States, making a brand new constitution; A clean and pure Democracy or Republic.
(I don't think you need the support from Turnbull to establish
Make a new Citizen
Pledge/Oath for new citizens: "Towards the First Australians" The Indignious
People of Australia.
Reserve 1 billion
dollar to help all the 650.000 buggers in the dental cue.
8. Emerge SBS and ABC television and make the same terms for journalist as for the elected politicians to maximum 3 or 6 years in office and not letting editorial staff stay there for a lifetime, and amalgamate all the Australian States.
Visit all
worldleaders as often you can, no matter if it is unpleasant or not and solve
problems upfront and in peace.
Why not a New Rug -
the Flag is obsolete, even the Queen would say.
Posted by: Ture Sjolander on November 25, 2007 8:03 PM
Fill the Cabinet with Scientists of all kind, and on merits, and not Politicians !